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Wendy puppy

Boxer puppy garden

Boxer puppy with leaf

pensive Boxer puppy

Wendy Boxer puppy
MACH Liebliche Wendigkeit Von Bachbett At Sinnott MXB MJS MXP MJP MXF CA SWN DN TKI
Titan Von Bachbet x Fay Von Bachbett
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Despite her dark coloring, Wendy is the bright future of Sinnott Boxers.
We acquired her from Backbett Boxers in La Crosse, Wisconsin, bred with care, bred to work and bred to be everything Boxer!
We look forward to sharing more about her as she grows.
Wendy is a rising powerhouse, a goofball, sensitive and always down for a good tumble. She's our next star is raising her little housemate Gertie.
Click here for Wendy's pedigree
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